Cindy Epstein - Board Member

Full Force Fabulousness

It’s an honor to serve on the Lighthouse CSL board, and a blessing to work (and play) with Rev. Harriet

and the other incredible board members. They truly love and care about our center. I was introduced to

Religious Science in 1986 when I was taking a six-month leave of absence from my corporate job. After a four-

year relationship ended, I knew I needed time to re-evaluate my life and my career. I landed in Ft. Lauderdale

and got a job as a chef on a private yacht. I rented a room in a woman’s home knowing nothing about the

teaching. As Spirit would have it, the homeowner, Judy, was a practitioner at the Ft. Lauderdale CSL, and my

other roommate was also taking classes there.

The first day I moved in, Judy invited me to hear Ram Das speak at a local venue. I knew I was in the right place!

My roommates introduced me to many wonderful people, and I befriended a gal who was studying to be a

Religious Science minister. It was through her that I learned spiritual mind treatment (affirmative prayer). When

I was learning a new way to pray, I wrote my prayers and recorded them. I would then listen to my own voice

praying, and soon became confident enough to pray using the five steps: acknowledgement of the One

Presence, unification with It, affirmations in the present tense, heartfelt thanks, and release. My life began

opening up in a whole new way. In retrospect I clearly see how God was gently guiding me on my journey. It did,

and still does, feel miraculous. But then I believe miracles are everyday happenings when we keep our eyes

open to the wonders of the Universe.

Since I can remember, God has been the centerpiece of my life, and when I found New Thought I found that I

wasn’t alone in my thinking. I had likeminded friends and teachers, each on their own spiritual journey, and each

enriching my life in some way. Although each person’s path is different, I believe we’re all on this incredible

journey of self-realization together.

Since then, I have been a member of several different centers depending on where I was living, and I’ve had the

pleasure of visiting many centers in my travels. It’s comforting to know there’s always a spiritual home for me.

Even in a new town of city, I have a place to go where I know I will be welcomed. Such a comfort!

I found Lighthouse, or perhaps Lighthouse found me, in March 2022 when we were temporarily living in

Livermore. Before we arrived, I treated for a spiritual community. I watched several services online and

absolutely fell in love with Rev. Harriet. After all these years, in all the centers I’ve attended, both as a member

and a visitor, I can honestly say Livermore Valley CSL is by far the most loving, genuine, and inclusive center I’ve

ever known. There is something very endearing I can’t quite describe that I felt from the moment I walked into

our sacred space. I’m sure it must be love in action. I was welcomed by so many members with open arms and

genuine caring.

If you’re not familiar with the classes, I urge you to take Foundations to really get deeper into the teaching, get

closer to the God presence that is always within you, and learn affirmative prayer. Over the years I’ve taken

Foundations at least four times with different teachers, and each experience has deepened my faith. If you need

or want prayer for anything going on in your life, please see a Practitioner or someone on the prayer team after

service. You will find tremendous support and a deeper experience of the Divine.

I have been blessed with an incredible, amazing, and heart-centered life. Even the dark nights of the soul have

brought me to a new level of my love for God, and I am so very grateful to share this journey with you.

Cindy's Favorite Books!