We Welcome and Bless Everyone! All are welcome to attend Sunday Service in-person at 678 Enos Way, Livermore CA.

The Sunday 10:00 am service is also live on ZOOM (Click here for Zoom link) and on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/CSLLivermore) To view prior Service Videos: Click Here

Sunday Service February 2nd, 2025

“Divine Devotion”

To what are you devoted? We are all devoted to something and/or someone. How do we know to what we are devoted? We think and feel things about it/them throughout our day. Sometimes when we talk about detachment and principles, we can forget we are human beings who feel deeply. In fact, feeling deeply is what brings us alive, thus devotion is a powerful vehicle for us spiritually. To what are you devoted? See you this Sunday as we devote our morning to being together!
Jack Quigely is our fabulous musicial inspiration this week! 

The 2024 Giving Statements were emailed to our generous donors on Mon evening Jan 27 from CSLLV Office (info@csllvlighthouse.org. If you have any questions, please contact Lynn at lynn.plouse@gmail.com"


Saturday, February 1st   - Movie Night 7:00pm - Enlightenment Guaranteed

In Infinite Love and Light,

Our Featured Musician

Jack Quigley

Jack Quigley plays acoustic rock and soul from the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and more. Jack can be heard as a solo artist and with his band – Jack Quigley Souled Out! at many wineries in the Bay area. Quigley is also a Music Minister and co-founder at the Center for Spiritual Living Livermore Valley. Jack Quigley is currently the Music Director for the Valley Montessori School in Livermore, CA teaching over 450 children from pre-school through 8th grade.




Music Schedule

2/2 - Jack Quigley 
2/9 - Suzanne Baldwin 
2/16 - Michelle Castellanos 
2/23 - Jack Quigley 
3/2 - Joanie Davis and Dave Gamble
3/9 - Michelle Castellanos 
3/16 - Suzanne Baldwin 
3/23 -  Dave Gamble
3/30 - Jack Quigley

Volunteer Opportunities


There are so many facets to creating our online presence!
If you are interested in learning the basics please let us know.
Looking for participants to help in these areas:

Zoom, MailChimp, Facebook, YouTube, Events

There are just a handful of people making all this happen, so we really need the support. The goal is to free us up to create an online presence across all social media platforms to grow our Church. I know I really want to see that happen and have fun doing it! 

Please contact info@csllvlighthouse.org

Home Groups!!!: What an incredible way to receive support, inspiration and connection. Give yourself the gift of being in a loving environment that is 100% for you. If you're interested, please sign-up on Sunday morning or:   Register Here
